Additional Drivers

pipuck.mcp23017.MCP23017(i2c_bus[, address])

Supports MCP23017 instance on specified I2C bus and optionally at the specified I2C address.

pipuck.lsm9ds1.LSM9DS1(i2c_bus[, …])

Driver for the LSM9DS1 accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope.


MCP23017 I/O Expander Driver

Python module for the MCP23017 I2C I/O extender.

Based on

class pipuck.mcp23017.DigitalInOut(pin_number, mcp230xx)

Digital input/output of the MCP230xx. The interface is exactly the same as the digitalio.DigitalInOut class (however the MCP230xx does not support pull-down resistors and an exception will be thrown attempting to set one).

Specify the pin number of the MCP230xx (0…7 for MCP23008, or 0…15 for MCP23017) and MCP23008 instance.

property direction

The direction of the pin, either True for an input or False for an output.

property pull

Enable or disable internal pull-up resistors for this pin. A value of _MCP23017_PULL_UP will enable a pull-up resistor, and None will disable it. Pull-down resistors are NOT supported!


Switch the pin state to a digital input with the provided starting pull-up resistor state (optional, no pull-up by default). Note that pull-down resistors are NOT supported!


Switch the pin state to a digital output with the provided starting value (True/False for high or low, default is False/low).

property value

The value of the pin, either True for high or False for low. Note you must configure as an output or input appropriately before reading and writing this value.

class pipuck.mcp23017.MCP23017(i2c_bus, address=32)

Supports MCP23017 instance on specified I2C bus and optionally at the specified I2C address.


Clears port A interrupts.


Clears port B interrupts.


Clears interrupts by reading INTCAP.

property default_value

The raw DEFVAL interrupt control register. The default comparison value is configured in the DEFVAL register. If enabled (via GPINTEN and INTCON) to compare against the DEFVAL register, an opposite value on the associated pin will cause an interrupt to occur.


Convenience function to create an instance of the DigitalInOut class pointing at the specified pin of this MCP23017 device.

property gpio

The raw GPIO output register. Each bit represents the output value of the associated pin (0 = low, 1 = high), assuming that pin has been configured as an output previously.

property gpioa

The raw GPIO A output register. Each bit represents the output value of the associated pin (0 = low, 1 = high), assuming that pin has been configured as an output previously.

property gpiob

The raw GPIO B output register. Each bit represents the output value of the associated pin (0 = low, 1 = high), assuming that pin has been configured as an output previously.

property gppu

The raw GPPU pull-up register. Each bit represents if a pull-up is enabled on the specified pin (1 = pull-up enabled, 0 = pull-up disabled). Note pull-down resistors are NOT supported!

property gppua

The raw GPPU A pull-up register. Each bit represents if a pull-up is enabled on the specified pin (1 = pull-up enabled, 0 = pull-up disabled). Note pull-down resistors are NOT supported!

property gppub

The raw GPPU B pull-up register. Each bit represents if a pull-up is enabled on the specified pin (1 = pull-up enabled, 0 = pull-up disabled). Note pull-down resistors are NOT supported!

property int_flag

Returns a list with the pin numbers that caused an interrupt port A —-> pins 0-7 port B —-> pins 8-15

property int_flaga

Returns a list of pin numbers that caused an interrupt in port A pins: 0-7

property int_flagb

Returns a list of pin numbers that caused an interrupt in port B pins: 8-15

property interrupt_configuration

The raw INTCON interrupt control register. The INTCON register controls how the associated pin value is compared for the interrupt-on-change feature. If a bit is set, the corresponding I/O pin is compared against the associated bit in the DEFVAL register. If a bit value is clear, the corresponding I/O pin is compared against the previous value.

property interrupt_enable

The raw GPINTEN interrupt control register. The GPINTEN register controls the interrupt-on-change feature for each pin. If a bit is set, the corresponding pin is enabled for interrupt-on-change. The DEFVAL and INTCON registers must also be configured if any pins are enabled for interrupt-on-change.

property io_control

The raw IOCON configuration register. Bit 1 controls interrupt polarity (1 = active-high, 0 = active-low). Bit 2 is whether irq pin is open drain (1 = open drain, 0 = push-pull). Bit 3 is unused. Bit 4 is whether SDA slew rate is enabled (1 = yes). Bit 5 is if I2C address pointer auto-increments (1 = no). Bit 6 is whether interrupt pins are internally connected (1 = yes). Bit 7 is whether registers are all in one bank (1 = no).

property iodir

The raw IODIR direction register. Each bit represents direction of a pin, either 1 for an input or 0 for an output mode.

property iodira

The raw IODIR A direction register. Each bit represents direction of a pin, either 1 for an input or 0 for an output mode.

property iodirb

The raw IODIR B direction register. Each bit represents direction of a pin, either 1 for an input or 0 for an output mode.

LSM9DS1 IMU Driver

Sensor driver for the LSM9DS1 IMU.

Based on with patches to use SMBus and to fix some minor inconsistencies compared to the datasheet.

class pipuck.lsm9ds1.LSM9DS1(i2c_bus, mag_address=30, xg_address=107)

Driver for the LSM9DS1 accelerometer, magnetometer, gyroscope.

Initialise the LSM9DS1.

property accel_range

Accelerometer range.

Must be a value of:




property acceleration

Accelerometer X, Y, Z axis values as a 3-tuple of m/s^2 values.


Close the I2C bus.

property gyro

Gyroscope X, Y, Z axis values as a 3-tuple of degrees/second values.

property gyro_scale

Gyroscope scale.

Must be a value of:



property mag_gain

Magnetometer gain.

Must be a value of:




property magnetic

Magnetometer X, Y, Z axis values as a 3-tuple of gauss values.


Read raw accelerometer sensor and return it as a 3-tuple of X, Y, Z values that are 16-bit unsigned values.

If you want the acceleration in nice units you probably want to use the accelerometer property!


Read raw gyroscope sensor values and return as a 3-tuple of X, Y, Z values that are 16-bit unsigned values.

If you want the gyroscope in nice units you probably want to use the gyroscope property!


Read raw magnetometer sensor and return as a 3-tuple of X, Y, Z values that are 16-bit unsigned values.

If you want the magnetometer in nice units you probably want to use the magnetometer property!


Read the raw temperature sensor value and return it as a 12-bit signed value.

If you want the temperature in nice units you probably want to use the temperature property!

property temperature

Temperature of the sensor in degrees Celsius.